Chloe Smith


£200 million improvements of walking and cycling routes

I welcome the announcement from the Department for Transport to fund £200 million improvements of walking and cycling routes.   Norfolk County Council will receive £2.2 million of this funding, building on existing Government travel and cycle schemes to ensure Norwich North resi...

Electric Vehicle Charging

The installation of 46 new electrical charging points across Norwich has been confirmed by Norfolk County Council to address the current lack of publicly available charging facilities which is the biggest barrier facing the move to electric vehicles.   I recognise the importance of decarbon...

Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Today is Global Accessibility Awareness Day.  In its 12th year, Global Accessibility Awareness Day aims to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access, and the more than One Billion people worldwide with disabilities ...

Foster Care Fortnight

This week is the start of Foster Care Fortnight.    Foster Care Fortnight is The Fostering Network's annual campaign to raise the profile of fostering and show how foster care transforms lives.     Children and young people flourish in supportive, nur...

Aylsham Road and Cromer Road bus lane update

I’ve been working with local residents and businesses who have been concerned about the potential negative impact that the new bus lane on Aylsham Road and Cromer Road could have on people, trade and public safety.   We were promised that the County Council would review the scheme aft...

Earth Day 2023

Many constituents care very deeply about contributing towards helping preserve the planet, so I wanted to provide some important information on this day.   The Government is working hard domestically and internationally to increase climate ambition. The UK was the first major economy to s...

Transport survey update

At the end of 2022, I surveyed Norwich North constituents to ask for their views on public transport and road conditions. The survey received a range of responses from residents across Norwich North, from localised issues within specific areas, to city-wide problems, county themes and national point...

Action on NHS dentistry for constituents

Dentistry is the number one health-related topic that residents get in touch with me about. From my own constituency dental survey, I understand that almost half of the respondents were unable to find a dentist locally, and that NHS appointments for children are in decline.   So, I’...

Spring Finance Bill 2023

This week, I’ve been voting for the Spring Finance Bill 2023 in Parliament.   The measures in the Bill will reward Norwich businesses that invest and innovate, recognising how they support growth.   They include two new major capital allowances – ful...

Anti-social behaviour action plan

Everyone has the right to live without the fear of facing anti-social behaviour. To leave their home without dreading intimidation from neighbours, visit their local high street free of disorder and drug taking, take the train or bus to work without fear of abuse and walk down a pavement clear of do...

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