Chloe Smith

Brexit News

An update from Chloe

This is a quick update for constituents on events at Westminster, although I remain on maternity leave until November.   I'm grateful to constituents who've been in touch whilst the new Prime Minister has taken office.  I've also been reaching out with a big constituency ...

Brexit Blog: Reporting back

  Yesterday in Parliament, MPs voted on a motion that would have set aside Parliamentary time to debate ways to prevent a “no deal” exit from the European Union. If the motion had passed the expectation would have been that a cross-party coalition would put forward legislation to...

April 2nd Statement from the Prime Minister

Last night the Prime Minister gave a brief statement inside Downing Street on the current Brexit position. I wanted to write a quick blog for you to cover what was said in the statement and Monday night’s (April 1st) “indicative votes”.   On Monday night, MPs were asked ...

Brexit Blog: March 28th Indicative Votes

This is a quick blog to let you know how I voted in the “indicative votes” in Parliament last night. First of all, thank you to constituents who let me know their preferences.   The Speaker selected which ones would get voted on. I voted as follows:   I voted agains...

Brexit Blog: Prime Minister Update and indicative votes

There are more votes this week in Parliament to find a way forward to deliver Brexit.   On Monday, the Prime Minister gave a statement in Parliament to give MPs the latest updates with the Brexit process including what was achieved at the EU Council last week. You can find that here: LINK...

Brexit Blog - 21st March EU Council Summit Update

Events have moved at pace since my last Brexit blog (15th March) and I wanted to quickly update you on the outcome of the 21st March EU Council summit. My last blog set out how I voted on the three major recent votes on Brexit and my reasoning behind this and if you have not done so already, you ...

Brexit Blog: This week's votes

I continue to keep constituents updated with all the latest developments on Brexit here on my blog.  And as I have said each time, I am really grateful for everyone who is letting me know their views, which I read carefully.  The last blog set out how there would be 3 votes this week: ...

Spring Statement 2019

Yesterday (13th March) in Parliament the Chancellor delivered the Spring Statement. The Spring Statement is important to many of my constituents and local businesses, so I wanted to write this short piece to inform you about the significant announcements in the statement. You can read a full summ...

Brexit blog- Prime Minister’s Statement 26th February

Upon her return from the EU-League of Arab States Summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, today (26th February) the Prime Minister has updated Parliament on the progress of the Brexit negotiations. As always, I am writing to keep constituents informed of the latest developments.   You can read the ful...

Brexit Blog: February 12th Statement from the Prime Minister

In my previous blog piece dated February 1st, I promised that I would write again to keep constituents informed of the latest updates on the Brexit process. Today (12th February) in Parliament the Prime Minister updated the commons on the latest developments in negotiations.   You can re...

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