Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North


Fixing adult social care

I was pleased to see Age UK’s campaign on fixing adult social care, as it’s an incredibly important matter. I work closely with Age UK Norwich, including having reached out to their local members to understand how the lockdown was affecting older people in our city. I appre...

Protection of Hen Harriers

I have been contacted by a number of constituents who are concerned about protecting hen harriers and other birds of prey.  I want our countryside to be a diverse environment, however I do recognise the conservation and economic benefits that shooting sports bring to rural communities. ...

My summer in Norfolk

It’s been a tough year, and my family and I were keen for a summer holiday like most people. We were lucky enough to get a fab week of the best sunshine, in the best county - Norfolk! Coronavirus has been particularly hard for many local businesses and the jobs they support, so backing our ...

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