Chloe Smith

Brexit News

Brexit Blog: January 29th Brexit Votes

In my previous blog post about Brexit on 22nd of January, I promised that I would write again to keep constituents informed of the latest developments in the Brexit process.  So, in this piece I want to update you on the Brexit votes that took place in Parliament this week (on 29th January). ...

Brexit Blog update: EU citizens settled status in UK

This week marked the beginning of the period whereby EU citizens living in the UK can register to apply for “settled status” as the post-Brexit registration system opens nationwide.   The Government has made the process as easy as possible: developing a smartphone app, hiring ...

Delivering Brexit: 21st January Prime Ministers update

Yesterday in Parliament the Prime Minister delivered a statement to the House of Commons about how Brexit negotiations will proceed, having established the confidence of Parliament in the Government last week.   I would like to thank the many constituents who have taken the time to write ...

Special Brief: Delivering Brexit

I want to keep constituents updated in a factual way about what is happening in the House of Commons this week. Today’s blog follows a comprehensive series which I’ve written for you, back to 2016.   If you have read recently you’ll know I voted for the Brexit deal last ...

Brexit Blog

I’m really grateful to the many constituents who are keeping me informed of their views on Brexit.  As I always have done, I am carefully reading everything people say to me, and in turn keeping you up to date here on this blog. You will find a comprehensive series of blogs on my websi...

Reporting back: Ivory Ban

I am really glad that this is one of the toughest bans on the sale of ivory in the world, covering ivory items of all ages. The Government is committed to protecting our natural environment - ensuring stronger protections for animal welfare.    

Brexit Blog: Voting in Parliament on The Brexit Deal

The Prime Minister has now gone back to Brussels a further time, to seek extra reassurances that this is the best deal for Britain. I’ve heard from lots of constituents since it was first published, and I’ve kept you up to date with blogs here.  I want to thank everyone who&rsquo...

My views on the Vote of No Confidence in the Prime Minister

I am supporting the Prime Minister tonight. She was determined, clear and capable at Prime Minister’s Questions and is right to see through the Brexit deal. My guiding principle has always been jobs and prospects for my Norwich North constituents. This Prime Minister and this Government and th...

Brexit Blog: Voting in Parliament on The Brexit Deal

The Government has secured a deal with the EU, covering how we leave the EU and what our future relationship should be like. I blogged about it when it was first published:  Since then, it ha...

Brexit Blog: Provisional Terms of the Draft Withdrawal Agreement

On Wednesday, you may have seen the Government has agreed the provisional terms of the draft Withdrawal Agreement, an agreement which will facilitate our smooth and orderly exit from the EU. In addition to this, the Government has also agreed the broad foundations for the terms of our future relatio...

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