Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Election 2015 My Weekly Diary

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 27 February 2015 11:52

This week, Parliament returns and the first item up is the Serious Crime Bill. I’ve contributed to this Bill already in the Commons, talking about cyber security. You can read my speech Monday’s business includes debating a difficult amendment that has been put down about sex-selective abortion.

It may surprise you that I received many conflicting views from constituents on this. Although most would agree that aborting a foetus for its gender alone is abhorrent, and I strongly condemn it and any indeed any other type of chauvinism, there certainly is no single clear answer as to if or how to do something about it in law.

A Day in Parliament 

I assessed all the arguments which constituents and experts, including the British Medical Association, the Royal College of Midwives, the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists, put and I voted against Fiona Bruce’s proposal for the following three reasons.

Firstly, abortion on the grounds of gender alone is already illegal, and I agree with that. Gender is not itself a lawful ground under the Abortion Act. However, it is lawful to abort a foetus where two doctors are of the opinion, formed in good faith, "that there is a substantial risk that if the child were born it would suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped", and some serious conditions are known to be gender-related. From this perspective, I am wary of making those doctors' judgements, and the treatment for the woman involved, even harder by means of voting for Fiona Bruce MP’s amendment.

Secondly, I am concerned that the proposed law is not enforceable. It could deter uncertain women facing abuse from seeking help without making any of their options easier; while someone determined to carry out “gendercide” could simply lie about their motive.

Thirdly, I am also sceptical that the addition of one sentence to an entirely different Bill (the Serious Crime Bill) is a sensible way to approach the sensitive and controversial detail of our abortion laws within the 1967 Abortion Act.

However, because I do find pure sex-selection on non-medical grounds abhorrent, I supported an alternative proposal asking the government to assess the evidence of termination of pregnancies on the grounds of sex and return with a full plan to tackle any substantiated concerns.

I’ve also been at the Transport Select Committee, examining government policy about small airports. This is important to Norwich, as my constituency includes Norwich International Airport.

And in the constituency, I’m continuing my programme of visiting local businesses to see how they are getting on employing young people as part of my Norwich For Jobs programme. Plus, of course, being in touch with people in the usual way by aiming to canvass at least 400 people during the week, with my community volunteers! If you could spare a short time to help me in my campaign, perhaps you’d be able to help me do this. It’s easy, sociable and helps me listen to residents.

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