Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Damp and mouldy housing in Norwich

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 12 December 2022 09:38

Like so many people, I found the shocking news of the tragic death of Awaab Ishak’s death heart-breaking The two-year old boy died from prolonged exposure to harmful mould in his rented family home in Rochdale. 


I have helped scores of residents with damp and mould problems in Norwich City Council and housing association homes in Norwich, but in recent weeks I have been contacted by families who are even-more concerned about the damp and mould that they are living with in their rented homes.  Without a doubt, families who live in damp, mouldy conditions are at a much higher risk of respiratory conditions and ill-health, and with energy bills having risen, these conditions could be on the rise too.


In a response to the shocking news, I was pleased to see strong action taken immediately by Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, who last week wrote to local authorities and chief executives of social housing providers to remind them of their obligations, and ask them to re-double their efforts, in respect of providing safe and decent housing to tenants. The housing secretary expects landlords to be undertaking assessments of damp and mould issues affecting their properties, including the prevalence of some of the most severe damp and mould hazards.


The official notice from the Secretary of State requires all social landlords to submit evidence to the Regulator of Social Housing to show that they have systems in place to deal with damp and mould, they also have to tell the regulator how they ensure that individual damp and mould cases are identified and dealt with “promptly and effectively” when raised by tenants and residents.  This is the time for Norwich City Council to urgently look at its housing stock to make sure that it’s healthy for Norwich residents, and it is concerning that the city council was found to have missed thousands of inspections for electrical, water, asbestos and fire safety, last year.



I have recently spoken in the Commons on the seriousness of damp and mould in social housing and I have submitted questions to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to better understand the extent of damp and mould issues in the city of Norwich. Additionally, I am keen to understand what a reasonable and acceptable period of time is, for renters to wait for an assessment of damp or mould and subsequent repairs - I look forward to reviewing that information in due course.



I am in no doubt, that the safety and wellbeing of tenants in rented properties must be an absolute priority for any decent housing providers and landlords. Providers who are consistently letting tenants down, must take steps to ensure we never again experience the tragedy of a life lost to a preventable situation.

How to report concerns with your property 


If you live in a property rented from a social landlord for example; Broadland Housing, Clarion Housing, Norwich City Council, Orbit or any other local provider, each agency will have its own procedure for reporting issues, and you should always use this in the first instance. 


If you live in a private rented property, you still have the right to a safe and decent home, and the Citizens Advice Bureau and Shelter offer excellent advice on how to report your concerns to your landlord. 


If you are experiencing an ongoing issue with mould and damp in your home and are living in rented accommodation in Norwich North I am here to help where I can. Please contact me on: or tel: 01603 414756 


Please note: I can only help constituents that I represent in Norwich North. If you live outside the constituency, please contact your local MP. 



Image credit : PBC Today
