Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Chloe Smith takes on Tivium : warns Norwich households to watch out

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 22 January 2015 11:18

Chloe Smith, MP for Norwich North, today spoke out about an apparent rip-off which has already hit at least two Norwich households. Gateshead-based Tivium Limited has charged up to £299 to assess homes for improvements including new boilers as part of the government's Green Deal.

However, two of Chloe’s constituents have been left out of pocket with no new boiler.

· Seth Mortimer of Norwich North has told Chloe that Tivium advised him, after paying for the survey and report, that he would only be eligible for a replacement boiler under the scheme if he purchased another installation product from them.

· Another constituent advised that they paid out the £299.00 fee and, after a survey carried out on their home in July, they are still waiting for a copy of the report on the survey.

Chloe understands that the company touted for trade extensively in Norwich. She has taken triple action for her constituents:

1. reported the firm to Trading Standards

2. contacted STROMA, who administer the Green Deal, for further investigation

3. and raised the issue with the minister responsible, Amber Rudd.

Chloe says:

“This is deeply unfair on customers like Mr Mortimer and other constituents who have been in touch with me in the last few weeks. I don’t want to see more Norwich pensioners ripped off so I’ve acted today on behalf of constituents.

The Green Deal can be very beneficial to households and I would urge anyone in Norwich considering investing in their home through the Green Deal to be careful to select a reputable provider.”


Minister Amber Rudd has acted on Green Deal mis-sales by laying out what she expects under consumer protection (letter at Annex). She says:

“I am doing everything in my power to protect consumers by working closely with Trading Standards to identify and take swift action against companies that are mis-selling the Green Deal.”


Chloe warns Norwich customers to be firm in asking Tivium to do the work they are owed, and to contact Chloe with details if they are cannot. Chloe will help constituents work with Trading Standards to get satisfaction and she is asking local media to alert others who may fall into similar rip-offs.


Related issue – aggressive calls

Further to this, Chloe has also had reports from her constituents of nuisance sales calls from a number of different companies allegedly offering Government funded energy installations such as solar panels. One company, named “Energy Awareness Centre”, has been extremely rude by phone, calling one of Chloe’s constituents “you tw*t”.


Chloe intends to raise all of these issues in Parliament.