Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Chloe Smith MP to meet with competition-winning school technology department

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 27 February 2014 17:06

Chloe Smith


Chloe Smith, Member of Parliament for Norwich North will on Friday 28th February 2014 be visiting Hellesdon High School Technology Department to see first-hand the inventions of the students in action.

Chloe will be given a tour of Hellesdon High School Technology Department by Paul Duncan, Director of Technology where she will see the range of diverse courses available within the technology department and how high quality provision has raised attainment and opportunities for students. This in turn has been of great benefit to the local community with skilled individuals in a range of technological disciplines including Engineering and Construction.

Chloe will also meet with GCSE and A level students and see the projects that they are currently working on.

Chloe comments ahead of her visit: “I am very much looking forward to visiting Hellesdon High School’s Technology Department and seeing the various courses available to the students and learning more about the projects they are currently working on. Technology in schools is an important subject for students who want to go on to pursue more hand-on skills and careers and it is important that these skills are offered to students.”

Paul Duncan, Director of Technology at Hellesdon High School comments:

“Following a press article on an Engineering competition held in the technology department, it was an honour to receive a letter from Chloe expressing her interest to visit the department and share in the students achievements.

“The broad range of courses including GCSE, Vocational and A level, provides personalised pathways for all individuals to progress into jobs, careers and further education. From GCSE students moving onto A level Product Design courses, including scholarships in Engineering to Construction and Hair and Beauty study that enables entry onto apprenticeship schemes. During Chloe’s visit, touring each area of the department will highlight the benefits to both our students and the local community in providing highly skilled workers.

“I am very much looking forward to hearing about the ‘Norwich for jobs campaign’, methods of eradication stereotypical trends in employment sectors and how high quality Technology provision in schools can contribute to the next generation of employees.”