Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Stricter rules to clamp down on takeaway litter

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 08 August 2022 12:14

This weekend the government have announced new measures to tidy up high streets, including new guidance for takeaway food businesses and new funding for councils to remove chewing gum stains, making sure we can all take pride in our local communities.
Chewing gum stains blight our high streets and fast food litter is an eyesore for communities across the country – and cleaning this up costs taxpayers money.  
That is why the government have set out new guidance to help make sure takeaway food businesses play their part in cleaning up high streets, setting out stricter litter rules for new hot food takeaways, including making sure more bins are installed.
The updated guidance published today will clarify the powers councils in England have to set stricter litter rules for new hot food takeaways when considering planning applications, including making sure that more bins are installed to reduce rubbish in the surrounding area.
The move will help create cleaner town centres, with figures showing that fast food items are the fourth most common type of litter found on UK high streets.  
This action will clean up our high streets and help prevent people littering in the first place, so that people can take more pride in their communities.  
I am confident that these proposals will help care for our environment, which is one of my key priorities I have set out for my constituents. To find out more about what action I am taking both in Norwich and Westminster for this work, please visit: For further information on this announcement, please visit:
If constituents need to contact me on this matter, or any other issue, please do email me at or ring my constituency office on 01603 414756.
