Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Queens Speech: The NHS and Mental Health

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 12 May 2022 09:21

The NHS is front of mind in Norwich at present, with our mental health services still struggling in performance and leadership, and other challenges in people getting the treatment and appointment they need at their doctors or the hospital.

Key to a proper response in busting these backlogs is providing more money to the NHS. So it is right that following the unprecedented challenges placed on the NHS by Covid-19, the Government are investing £36 billion as we clear the backlogs. This record funding will be supported by the revenue from the Health and Social Care Levy, raising billions to provide the NHS with the funding and resource it needs to put patients at the heart of services, whilst ending the cruel lottery of unpredictable care costs.

Of course, Norwich North constituents have also benefitted from the biggest and fastest NHS vaccination programme in the NHS’ history, saving countless lives and enabling us to learn to live with Covid-19 and continue our lives without restrictions.

But we know the area of mental health services needs further support, particularly those that suffer with specific mental health conditions.

That’s why I am pleased to see the Government bringing forward their draft Mental Health Act Reform Bill, putting patients at the centre of mental health services. This was announced in the Queen’s Speech, setting out the Government’s legislation programme for the next year or so, and the Bill will ensure patients suffering from mental health conditions have greater control over their treatment and receive the dignity and respect they deserve, modernising services and ensuring a more personalised level of care.

These are national legislative changes and proposals, but I want to emphasise that in the end they help all us in Norwich, because all parts of the NHS and care must be there for us when we need them. I will continue to do all I can to support our local mental health services to improve too.

The Government are building on the work they have done so far, delivering on their promises, focusing on the British people’s priorities and getting our country back on track. I will continue to support the NHS measures announced today, and the broader programme, because I am keen to see this all delivered to benefit residents in Norwich.

As always, if I can help constituents with any matter, please do email me on or ring my constituency office on 01603 41475

