Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

National Tinnitus Week part 2

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 09 February 2023 13:35

In National Tinnitus Week, when we might think about the problems of being hard of hearing, I've been looking into subtitling, which can be a great support to many people who struggle with hearing TV.
I've quizzed ministers about achieving more subtitling across live broadcast TV and on-demand services too.  You can read more here:
You can follow the broader campaign on the RNID's site here:  
Earlier in this National Week I wrote about the British Sign Language Act which I hope helps those who use sign language.  This week in Parliament I was also really pleased to get to know the Sign Language team who are steadily making Parliament more accessible.  They are making sure that more and more sessions are accessible, including this week's momentous address by the Ukrainian President.  They began expansion into question sessions beyond PMQs with the recent Women and Equalities question time.  You can see this here - and check out my question to the Minister about implementation of the BSL Act.
And the same team have announced plans to subtitle more of Parliament's recordings too, which is great to see.
This is good progress, and there'll be more to do.  Let's keep up the pressure
