Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Multi-million pound boost for new families as adoptions increase

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 03 March 2022 10:10

Today, it has been announced that the Government are providing £160 million to support adoptive parents, removing remaining barriers and reducing delays for thousands more children still waiting in care. 

The importance of a loving, stable family cannot be overstated for a child’s mental and emotional wellbeing, no matter what shape it takes.

That is why the Government are making a multi-million pound investment, building on the support given through our National Adoption Strategy, to bring together best practice in the adoption process and support new adoptive families settle into their new lives.

It is right to recognise the power of the family unit and I welcome that the Government will continue to ensure that family stays at the heart of our policymaking, giving children the warmth, background, and opportunities they need to succeed in life.  

As MP for Norwich North, ensuring that our young people get the best possible start in life is one of my priorities. To find out more about what action I am taking both in Norwich and Westminster for this work, please visit:

For further information on this announcement, please visit:
