Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Helping Norwich Families with the Cost of Living

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 24 May 2022 14:21

I recently wrote about the Government's support with the cost of living following the Covid-19 pandemic and Putin's barbaric invasion of Ukraine, you can see more on this here

The measures that the Government has taken so far including boosting the National Living Wage to £9.50 an hour and doubling the Household Support Fund to £1 billon has helped to ease the pressure for Norwich families and help manage day-to-day costs. I know that work pays and that is why it is important to focus on our Plan for Jobs as we build back better.

In making sure work pays, I support the Government's measures to boost the National Living Wage by 6.6 per cent to £9.50 an hour meaning an extra £1000 a year for a full-tie worker and the cut to National Insurance that will deliver a £6 billion tax cut for 30 million working people across the UK from July onwards.

From last month, households across Norwich were able to access a non-repayable £150 council tax rebate and helping to cut the cost of living for those living right across north Norwich right away. The council tax rebate will put money back into the pockets of working people living in council tax bands A-D.

The Government is also maintaining the increase to our Local Housing Allowance which is worth an extra £600 on average to 1.5 million households and helping local authorities with a £65 million package to support low-income earners in rent arrears and £670 million to help local authorities to support Norwich households with council tax bills.

Local people here in north Norwich who require further support can look at the most recent support being offered by Norfolk County Council here and also reach out to the local Money Support Service.
