Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Free Trees for Schools and Communities

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 21 May 2021 12:02

The Woodland Trust is the UK’s largest conservation charity, planting 50 million trees since 1972, with one of its aims being to plant a tree for every person in the UK.

Currently, the UK’s woodland coverage is 13% and the Trust's goal is to reach to over a third.

Trees play a fundamental part in tackling climate change as they’re a main source of carbon capture.  They're key in preventing flooding, reducing city temperatures, maintaining soil nutrition and providing habitats for wildlife.

The Woodland Trust has various tree planting schemes from large scale planting, community wood planting, support for landowners and farmers in utilising trees on their land and a free tree pack scheme for schools and communities.

Applications for the free tree scheme are open now for trees to be delivered in November 2021.

The free tree scheme allows education providers across the UK and community organisations such as resident associations, sports clubs, parish councils, Scouts and Guides to apply for a free tree pack in order to ensure everyone has the chance to plant a tree.

For further information please see the link.
