Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Chloe Smith: VAT victory shows Britain does have influence in Europe

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 23 March 2016 15:54

Norwich MP Chloe Smith has welcomed confirmation that that the PM has reached agreement with other EU leaders on looser VAT rules. The agreement, dismissed by some as impossible, means the so called “Tampon Tax” can finally be abolished.


Commenting on the news Chloe said:


“I’m sure I’m not alone in welcoming the end of VAT on sanitary products. We can all agree that tampons are in no way luxury items, and the recent agreement demonstrates that progress in European negotiations is more than possible.”


As part of the Budget, the Chancellor announced that the £12 million already raised from VAT on sanitary products would be donated to women’s charities. Chloe previously wrote to the Chancellor highlighting the work of these charities in Norwich, including White Ribbon who will now be benefiting from this money at the national level.


Reporting to the House of Commons, the Prime Minister noted:


“For my part, all I can say is that getting over the language barriers to explain the arguments on sanitary products in a 28-person European Council is something that will stay with me for a while.”