Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Chloe Smith continues to lobby planners and ministers to deliver increases in NHS healthcare provision in Norwich North

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 17 January 2024 15:08


Over recent months, I have been working hard to reinforce the position that a growing city such as Norwich requires a steady stream of new or expanded health facilities to support the population growth. I have been campaigning continually for the right level of doctor and NHS dentist provision for the people who live here now and in the future We expect many more homes to be built in Greater Norwich over the next 15 years, and it is vital that healthcare facilities are provided to accompany that growth. 


In recent weeks I have been in regular contact with, and attended a number of meetings with officials from the local NHS, city planners and government ministers, to push for additional capacity in healthcare and NHS dentistry through the planning process, and I wanted to share some of those updates with you. 


Prior to Christmas I met with officers from the Greater Norwich Plan to seek assurances that new homes in the pipeline and under construction in the Greater Norwich area will be serviced with new healthcare infrastructure, so that existing facilities are not further overwhelmed. I am quite clear, new homes need new doctors and dental provision planned for and most importantly, delivered. 


On NHS Dentistry, I met with Andrea Leadsom MP,  the new dentistry minister, before Christmas,  to voice my ongoing concerns for the demise of NHS dentistry in Norwich North. I further reinforced the case for the creation of a dental school and training facility here in the East of England, so that the region can grow and train its own supply of local NHS dentists. I know that constituents continue to suffer when they receive news of an NHS practice closure and I would advise constituents to contact NHS 111 in the first instance. The local NHS has recently introduced an emergency and urgent NHS dental care plan which can only be accessed by calling NHS 111. 


There is more that can be done to increase the recruitment of NHS dentists locally, and undoubtedly, more dentists must take on NHS dental work if we are to see an  improvement in the availability of NHS appointments.  


The Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board met with me face to face, so that I could hear about their strategy to manage the very big healthcare estate within their portfolio, ensuring that it remains fit for purpose and works for constituents. 


I am informed that in the future, the local NHS (Integrated Care Boards)  will be expected to play a key role in partnering with Local Planning Authorities to ensure that future healthcare needs are planned for. Ensuring that there is sufficiency of healthcare provision is the responsibility of local planning authorities. 


On GP and healthcare hubs, it is reassuring news to hear confirmation from the ICB that four of the contracts for services provided previously by 'OneNorwich Practices' have been awarded to two local care providers – North Norfolk Primary Care and Norfolk Community Health & Care NHS Trust. I have been a consistent loud voice over many years, highlighting the vital role that the Norwich Walk-in Centre plays for residents of Norwich, and have always been opposed to plans to shut it down. 


More recently, I am pleased to see progress of the new  Rackheath health centre take a positive step forward  with an announcement that the surgery expects to be open for business in March 2025. This project forms part of almost £26 million of government funding in Norfolk and Waveney healthcare facilities offering a range of healthcare services for patients – from physiotherapy to mental health support. 


I am informed that plans for the extension of Aslake surgery, Sprowston are under way, and I look forward to constituents benefitting from the expansion of East Norwich Medical Practices very soon. 


Later this week, I will be visiting Hellesdon ambulance station to see for myself how their expansion project is progressing, thanks to funding from the Government to expand their 999 call centre operation to a 300-strong facility. 


In Westminster, I asked a series of written parliamentary questions of Health and Housing Ministers on the subject of the new national planning policy framework, collaboration with health and planning colleagues, and the future role of the new Infrastructure Levy ( a charge on developers to provide vital community facilities e.g. play parks, doctors surgeries and community centres).  I’ve worked with other MPs across the country to emphasise to the Prime Minister that new homes need infrastructure.  


In summary, over the next five years, an estimated £1.1 billion of estates investment is expected to be delivered across the Norfolk and Waveney ICB area, of which Norwich is set to benefit from: a new diagnostic centre at NNUH, a healthcare hub at Rackheath, the Rivers Centre at Helledson hospital,  a new ward at Norwich Community hospital and the extension at Aslake surgery. 


There is clearly  more to do, and I will continue to campaign hard to ensure that Norwich North and its residents have increased access to vital NHS healthcare and dental facilities. 


Last year, my team assisted constituents with over one hundred and thirty individual and personal health-related cases. If I can help you with a health-related concern, please do get in touch.  

Tel: 01603 414756 


You can find all my Written Parliamentary Questions here: (link) 


