Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Action on NHS dentistry for constituents

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 26 April 2023 10:50

Dentistry is the number one health-related topic that residents get in touch with me about. From my own constituency dental survey, I understand that almost half of the respondents were unable to find a dentist locally, and that NHS appointments for children are in decline.
So, I’ve acted with questions to ministers, and I’m working locally to help find solutions.
Responses to written parliamentary questions that I submitted to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care recently indicate that the proportion of children in the Norfolk County Council authority who have seen an NHS dentist in the last 12 months (to June 2022) is almost 10% lower than the national average. This is unacceptable.
Last week, I met with representatives from the University of East Anglia (UEA) to discuss the future for dental teaching and training, received feedback from local Norwich dentists and met with the local health authority who are the body responsible for the commissioning of NHS dental services and contracts in Norfolk and Waveney. I would love to see the creation of a dental training facility in Norwich to serve the East of England.
This comes on top of my longstanding campaigning for more dentist and doctor appointments to go with new homes being built in our area. We need the right infrastructure for today’s and tomorrow’s residents. There’s been some progress, such as extra dental services provided out of the Community Hospital. Nationally, changes that make the NHS dental contract more attractive to dental practices and reward more fairly for complex care are welcomed. Similarly, the Government is investing at least £1.5 billion to create an additional 50 million GP appointments in practices by 2024. But more needs to be done in Norfolk where too many families are not getting the right dental care.
There is a debate today in Parliament too. Although I will not be able to take part because I have taken on extra duties as the Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology, I will be following the progress of the debate and the Minister's responses very closely. Norfolk MPs are working as a team to get results for our constituents.
If you are currently seeking assistance with finding a dentist, please see my useful resources here:
You can follow the dental debate here: 
If I can assist any Norwich North constituent with a health-related matter, please do contact me on: or telephone: 01603 414756
