Chloe Smith

Reducing Crime

This is the upcoming page outlining Chloe's crime-reduction plans.


Recent news stories:

  • 22 November 2023
    Autumn StatementThe Chancellor is right today to focus on growth, including helping people into work. He joins my consistent argument that it's economically right and morally right to include the talent and poten...
  • 20 November 2023
    Big Levelling Up win for Mile CrossToday I welcome multi million pound allocation announced today from the government’s Levelling Up Fund, to help local people by enhancing Sloughbottom Park in Mile Cross, Norwich North. I was...
  • 20 June 2023
    More progress secured for Britannia Road ResidentsI am delighted to report that positive change is on its way for residents in and around Britannia Road, in north Norwich, who have suffered anti-social behaviour from congregating drivers.   ...
  • 05 April 2023
    Anti-social behaviour action planEveryone has the right to live without the fear of facing anti-social behaviour. To leave their home without dreading intimidation from neighbours, visit their local high street free of disorder and d...
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