Chloe Smith

Today, the inquiry concludes into the NHS contaminated blood scandal, and we think of its victims

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 20 May 2024 12:31

Today is a significant day, including for families in Norwich, as a major public inquiry concludes.
It has been examining why men, women and children in the UK were given infected blood and/or infected blood products; the impact on their families; how the authorities (including government) responded; the nature of any support provided following infection; questions of consent; and whether there was a cover-up.
It was set up in 2017, to ensure that those who have suffered so terribly can receive the answers they have spent decades waiting for, and that lessons are learned to prevent a repeat of a tragedy of this scale. 
Several families in our area have been brutally affected and have spoken out.  I have worked as their MP to help where I can.  This included voting in December last year to hold the Government to ensuring that compensation would finally be as swift as possible in line with the recommendations of the inquiry.  Annie, from Norwich, now deceased, was in my mind and I hope that her family may get some peace and justice from today's final inquiry chapter.
I shall stay on the case of the remaining steps that need to be taken in Parliament to legislate for and implement the scheme.

We will get more details today and tomorrow of the Government's actions and I expect it to be forthright in acknowledging wrongs, and acting to put them right.
This has taken too long and I hope today the remaining victims will at least have the apology they are owed and cast-iron steps to compensation that recognises what has been done to them.
The full report can be viewed here:
