Chloe Smith

Rwanda, the Borders Bill, and New Plan for Immigration

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 21 April 2022 11:34

We’re taking action to control our borders and deter illegal entry through our new partnership with Rwanda, the Borders Bill, and New Plan for Immigration – so that the UK can sustain safe, legal and generous offer of sanctuary to people in genuine need.  

On the 14th April, the Government set out bold new plans to tackle these issues. Central to this is a world-first Migration and Economic Development Partnership signed by the Home Secretary, Priti Patel, and Rwandan Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Co-Operation, Vincent Biruta.

This will see migrants who are making dangerous or illegal journeys, such as by small boat or hidden in lorries, have their asylum claim processed in Rwanda. Those whose claims are accepted will then be supported to build a new and prosperous life in one of the fastest-growing economies, recognised globally for its record on welcoming and integrating migrants. The UK and Rwanda stand together towards promoting a new, fairer, and more effective global asylum system, which deters criminality, exploitation, and abuse. 

These new measures, combined with the reforms to the asylum system and the changes to our laws in the Nationality and Borders Bill, will help deter illegal entry into the UK. In doing so it will help break the business model of the criminal smuggling gangs, protect the lives of those they endanger, ensure continued support for the truly vulnerable, and enhance our ability to remove those with no right to be in the UK.  

The UK has a proud history of welcoming those in need. Since 2015, it has offered a place to over 185,000 men, women and children seeking refuge, and more than any other similar resettlement schemes in Europe. 

In the last year alone, the UK has provided support for people across the world, providing sanctuary to over 97,000 Hong Kong British Nationals and over 13,000 Afghan nationals - and more than 50,000 people have been granted visas under the Family and Homes for Ukraine Schemes.  

It is by reforming the asylum system and taking bold, international action to address the global migration crisis that we can ensure we can keep providing support and protection for those who need it, especially those most vulnerable, through proper safe and legal routes.  

For more information on the UK’s migration and economic development partnership with Rwanda, please visit: 

