Chloe Smith

The NHS investment we need News

Debate on Assisted Dying

Yesterday, there was a debate in Parliament on assisted dying. Thousands of people had petitioned the Commons for this, and passionate campaigners queued to get a seat to watch.   I have held a strong view for some time in favour of changing our law to allow for assisted dying. I ...

Debate on Assisted Dying

Yesterday, there was a debate in Parliament on assisted dying. Thousands of people had petitioned the Commons for this, and passionate campaigners queued to get a seat to watch.   I have held a strong view for some time in favour of changing our law to allow for assisted dying. I ...

Autumn Statement

The Chancellor is right today to focus on growth, including helping people into work. He joins my consistent argument that it's economically right and morally right to include the talent and potential that could be in the UK workforce given the necessary support.   The Autumn...

It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month

In as long as it takes you to read this post, a British woman will hear she has breast cancer. 5,000 will hear that diagnosis in October, and in our lifetimes 1 in 7 of us will have the disease. It’s the most common cancer, and still pretty frightening. But it’s not so scary an idea if y...

Local NHS dental services - an update

I am pleased to see that the local NHS are making progress with their dental offer since taking on dental commissioning from NHS England in April 2023. The ICB has published their short-term dental plan to help stabilise dental services in Norfolk and Waveney, and to begin to improve acces...

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