Chloe Smith

The Homes Norwich Families Need News

Autumn Statement

The Chancellor is right today to focus on growth, including helping people into work. He joins my consistent argument that it's economically right and morally right to include the talent and potential that could be in the UK workforce given the necessary support.   The Autumn...

An ambitious Budget that helps people in Norwich

In the Autumn, the Government took tough decisions to restore stability, grip inflation and reduce debt. Thanks to measures introduced, inflation has started to fall, and economy is bouncing back, with record numbers of employees on the payroll both locally and nationally.  Today, the Chance...

Pre-payment meters and energy bills support update

I am aware that some energy customers in Norwich have been switched onto pre-payment meters without their knowledge, particularly if there is debt on the account. Pre-payment tends to work out far more expensive than direct debit, and I am concerned that this practice is causing further unneces...

Prime Minister outlines his five key priorities for 2023

Earlier this week, the Prime Minister set out his vision for Britain with five key promises covering the economy, NHS and illegal immigration, showing how this Government will deliver for the British people.   The government has taken action to tackle the problems facing the country by stabi...

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