Chloe Smith

Disabled Children's Partnership

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 25 May 2023 11:01

I was pleased to be able to support the Disabled Children's Partnership with their recent call for information on the type of casework MPs deal with on behalf of disabled children and their families.
As a former Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work, it is hugely important to me to help constituents in this way. I am always keen for my team and I to support disabled children and families across North Norwich. 
I continue to fiercely campaign for improved services for deaf people and the hard of hearing and I am very proud to have helped legally recognise BSL as a language.
Recent constituency casework includes helping families with Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP), Special Education Needs tribunals, and signposting parents and carers to appropriate benefits advice.
If you are a constituent with a disabled child living in North Norwich, please see the following resources for expert help, or contact my office for specific casework support.
Tel: 01603 414756, email to:
Disabled Children's Partnership
National Autistic Society -
Norfolk County Council -

Norfolk SEND -

