Chloe Smith

Chloe Smith MP responds to NHS dental plan

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 07 February 2024 12:11

I am pleased to see that the Government has now published the dental recovery plan for England.


Amongst a range of measures, the plan outlines funding for:

  • more than 2.5 million extra NHS dental appointments, 
  • provision of dental vans for rural and coastal communities to access an NHS dentist,
  • financial incentives for dentists to work in areas most in need,
  • expansion of water fluoridation to new parts of the country to help prevent tooth decay,
  • dental teams visiting schools and nurseries to provide fluoride varnish treatments and supported teeth brushing.

We urgently need more NHS dentists in Norwich and the wider Norfolk region. This is a top priority for residents, and it will only increase with more homes being built to the north of Norwich. 


I remain fully committed to supporting the University of East Anglia in its bid to develop an undergraduate dental school. The UEA is ideally placed to help make this a reality, and I urge the Government to confirm new dental undergraduate student places that would allow the UEA to get on with the job. It cannot wait any longer.


I will be studying the specifics of the plan to identify what my constituents of Norwich North can expect to benefit from and I will update my website as those details emerge.


You can read more about the dental plan here:


Don't forget to have your say on dentistry locally through the Norfolk and Waveney ICB NHS dental services survey at:

