Chloe Smith

Big Levelling Up win for Mile Cross

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 20 November 2023 10:56

Today I welcome multi million pound allocation announced today from the government’s Levelling Up Fund, to help local people by enhancing Sloughbottom Park in Mile Cross, Norwich North.

I was a key member of the bid team in 2022, alongside chairman Andrew Dernie and Norwich City Council and other partners, who put together a pitch for improving facilities around the Mile Cross park.  

I took the bid to Parliament in November 2022 during the second round of allocations from the fund.

 I took Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner For Norfolk Giles Orpen Smellie to visit the park in July 2022.

This is good news for Norwich. The government is backing Mile Cross and the project will help level up opportunities in the area including through increasing employment, improving health, adding life chances for local kids and reducing crime. I am delighted that our work is recognised and we can succeed in helping our community where it’s most needed.

