Chloe Smith

Employment at a 50 year high due to record fall in unemployment

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 14 February 2023 13:35

As MP for Norwich North, one of my priorities has always been ensuring that people in Norwich have the jobs they need. That's why I welcome figures released today that show 30 million people are in work across the UK. This is nearly a 50 year employment high with another recorded fall in unemployment. Locally, this gives more people in our city the security of a job as the government continues to focus on growing the economy, halving inflation and reducing the national debt.


Nationally, the latest figures show that the number of payroll employees rose by 102,000 in January 2023 to 30 million. The number of employees on payroll now stands at 1,028,000 above pre-pandemic levels – with the unemployment rate falling by 0.2 between October and December.


In Norwich North, figures published today show that in January there were 1,775 actual claimants in Norwich North, which was 3.2% of the population aged 16-64, this is lower UK claimant rate was 3.6%. Over the past year the number of claimants has fallen by 390.


No Labour government has ever left office with unemployment lower than they came to power – only the Conservatives can be trusted to make work pay and get more people into new jobs across the country.


As the local MP for Norwich North, ensuring that we have more good jobs in Norwich is one of my priorities. To find out what I am doing to ensure this, please visit:  


I hope you find this information helpful. The government is committed to jobs, and so am I for us in Norwich. If I can help constituents with any matter, please do email me on or ring my constituency office on 01603 414756

