Chloe Smith

Norwich For Jobs


In January 2013, Chloe and other members of the Norwich For Jobs Steering Group launched an ambitious project seeking to halve youth unemployment in Norwich. When Phase 1 of the project launched, there were approximately 2,000 young people aged 18-24 claiming Job Seekers Allowance; the aim of the Norwich for Jobs Project was to halve this figure to 1,000. The project sought to do this by working closely with the Norwich business community and encourage them to invest in supporting young people through a range of pre-work training and by offering paid positions.

The project, through working hard with partner organisations and the business community achieved its goals, and exceeded its targets by helping 1,349 into paid jobs and apprenticeships. The project also allowed the business community to link up through the project’s Employers Panel and allowed them to tap in to support services for young employees and apprentices that they might otherwise have not been aware of. To find more about the achievements of Phase 1 of the project here.

The project also allowed the business community of Norwich to link up through the project’s Employers Panel and allowed them to tap into support services for young employees and apprentices that they might otherwise have not been aware of. For details of organisations that help and support young people in employment and to become employment ready, please click here.

Starting in January 2015, Norwich For Jobs has launched a second phase of its project which seeks to ‘Change 100 Lives’, and has worked to get employers to do more to support the ‘harder to help’ category of young people.

Norwich For Jobs Phase 2 seeks to connect with young people aged 18-24 claiming Employment and Support Allowance and Income Support, as well as the remaining claimants on JSA, helping realise their goals and achieving their full potential. Norwich For Jobs wants to help change 100 lives of those considered ‘harder to help. More details of the progress of Phase 2 can be found here.

Chloe has spoken on the issue of youth unemployment many times in Parliament ad chairs the APPG for Youth Affairs and the APPG for Youth Employment and will continue to champion the issue of youth employment both at home in Norwich and in Westminster.

Chloe has spoken on the issue of youth unemployment many times in Parliament and chairs the APPG for Youth Affairs and the APPG for Youth Employment. Chloe will continue to push the agenda of youth employment both in Norwich and in Westminster.

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