Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Government signs Heads of Terms for Norwich Town Deal

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 15 January 2021 09:45

I was pleased to receive this letter from the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government this week confirming that the Government has signed the Heads of Terms for the Norwich Town Deal.

I am pleased that Norwich will benefit from £25m investment as part of the Town Deal.

I believe that this plan will help Norwich continue to be a great place to work, live, study and create jobs.  It will help to sustain and develop the strengths of our city, for today’s residents and for the jobs and investment of tomorrow.

I am particularly excited that we have a major opportunity to accelerate the regeneration of East Norwich to create a new high-quality urban quarter, providing a base for the long-term growth of Norwich, and addressing some longstanding problems.  It opens up a positive future for an area that has suffered disappointment through the loss of the iconic Colman’s brand and many industrial jobs.

£25m will make a massive difference to our city and help accelerate economic growth at a critical time, driving our community forward and making it an even more attractive place to live.

I will continue to work closely with local leaders and the Government to ensure this money is invested wisely and reflects local priorities, to ensure our community gets the maximum possible benefit.


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