Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North

Clean Air Day

Author: Chloe Smith, Updated: 17 June 2021 15:55

Protecting the Environment is one of my key local priorities for North Norwich, which is why I support Clean Air Day, the UK’s largest air pollution campaign led by Global Action Plan.


The Government recognises that air pollution is the largest environmental health risk, with air pollution causing up to 36,000 deaths in the UK every year.


Children are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of exposure to poor quality air, which can cause heart and lung disease and stunt lung development. As I understand it, air pollution can also be linked to low birth weight and even contribute to mental health issues.


The purpose of Clean Air Day is to improve public understanding of air pollution and what everyone can do to contribute to tackling air pollution. Clean Air Day provides resources with the aim to support businesses, schools, parents and local authorities in making decisions towards what they can do in order to help reduce air pollution.


The actions from Clean Air Day will contribute towards protecting our environment which is very important for constituents in Norwich North.


For further information about Clean Air Day and to understand further about what was achieved last year, please see the helpful link.
